Sunday, February 10, 2013

Promises for Hurting Wives- A Series

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 
the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 
who comforts us in ALL our affliction, 
so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, 
with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Hi, my name is Carmen. Maybe you know me in "real life," or maybe you've just been a follower of my blog for a while. One major thing I'd like for people to know about me is I have a hard-core passion for wives who are hurting. Admittedly, I've been on both the receiving end of the hurting and I've shamefully gone over and above to issue the hurting. Almost two years ago, God took this angry, religious, hurting woman on a permanent detour from her high (and lonely) road of self-preservation and ran her smack into a Savior. THE Savior. He miraculously saved me, then my marriage, and now grants me the grace to share this eternal hope with others.

It was through this transformation that God planted strong desires in me to love on, cry with, listen to, and pray over hurting women... especially ones who feel stuck in the hell of a strife-stricken marriage. To look in the tear-filled eyes of a wife who feels stuck in a hopeless situation and say with pure confidence, There is HOPE!, is a gift of grace that I can't even begin to explain. To understand that the Father of mercies and God of ALL comfort met me and regenerated me through my places of pain and shame so that I can offer the same comfort and mercy to others is beautiful and amazing. Hallelujah!

With this being the week of Valentine's Day, my hope is to take the next few days and speak out to hurting wives. Even though our culture and media would tempt us to believe otherwise, this will NOT be a week of romance and bliss for many, many women. Thursday will sting deeply, especially for those who are in the throws of a decaying marriage.

My posts on those days will more than likely be simple and brief, focusing on verses from Scripture that have been meaningful to me during times of marital pain. Because I don't (or never will) know all the answers to offer, I can boldly offer the hope of the One who does hold all the answers. He not only holds the answers, but He also holds peace, hope, and the truest of love. If you know a woman who could use some words of real hope this week, then please invite her to follow along. Until tomorrow... :-)

Read about the promise of JOY from Part 1 of this series HERE.
Read about the promise of HOPE from Part 2 of this series HERE.
Read about the promise of LOVE from Part 3 of this series HERE.
Read the final post of this series HERE.

1 comment:

Peggy said...

I am so thankful that you are taking the comfort God offered to you in your time of deep trial and offering that comfort to others. True understanding can only be given by those who have walked that same road. May the turmoil and deliverance from that turmoil of your and Alec's marriage be a source of ministry for you both in the days to come!